The Pro Arte Trio

Biography The Pro Arte Trio

The Pro Arte Trio
The Pro Arte Trio
The creation of the PRO ARTE TRIO a few years ago was a natural outcome of the meeting and collaboration between three musicians with very considerable experience as soloists and chamber music players. They realized the creative possibilities that the repertoire for violin, viola and cello offers, and how it enhances the link between mutual musical feeling and imagination. Their repertoire provides a varied program of concerts featuring music from the Baroque era to the present time, both for string trio alone and in association with other instruments.

"Fuxová, Pad'ourek and Vlašánková played from the beginning in the hearts of the listeners."

"The Czech musicians were delighted with the virtuosity and the musician joke."

"Beethoven String Trio Op. 9 No.2 appears as a masterly harmonious symbiosis. It was a moving interlude from de deeper (violoncello), medium (viola) and high (violin) melody. The violin melody, which has been particularly deliberately broken in the high pitches of Marie Fuxova, may penetrate far into the depths of many hearts."

Marie Fuxová
was born in Ostrava and when only eleven years old performed as soloist accompanied by the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra. She holds first prizes from the Competition of Conservatories CR, the Kocian International Violin Competition and the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Competition (including the prize for best performance of Martinůʼs work). In 2007-2009 she was member of the Haas Quartet, with which she performed in the most prominent concert halls of the world – Carnegie Hall New York, Wiener Konzerthaus, Salzburg Mozarteum, Amsterodam Concertgebouw, Cité de la Musique Paris, Kölner Philharmonie, Wigmore Hall London. She plays a violin by O. F. Špidlen. ​

Zbyněk Paďourek
graduated from the Academy of Music in Prague. As long-term member of the Kocian Quartet he took part in innumerable concerts on prestigious world stages and recorded twenty CDs appraised especially in France e.g. by the titles “Recording of 2006” or “Charles Cross Award” in Paris 1997. Since 2009 he is member of the Martinů Quartet and at the same time also teaches at the Conservatory in Pilsen. He plays a viola Otto Erdesz. ​

Jitka Vlašánková
is a laureate of the violoncello competitions of Prague Spring, Beethovenʼs Hradec, the Pablo Casals Competition in Budapest. She constantly supplements her predominant concert activity with the Martinů Quartet and cooperation with many outstanding Czech artists with solo activities (numerous recordings for Czech Radio, recitals home and abroad). She is invited to juries of international competitions (Pretoria in SAR, Liezen in Austria, the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Competition in Prague). Her CD J. S. Bach Suites 1-3 for solo violoncello received the prestigious label “Tip Harmonie” of the musical monthly Harmonie. She plays a French cello by F. Gand 1830.

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