Old Friends New Friends Nils Frahm

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  • 14:33 (A Tribute to John Cage)03:49
  • 2Late03:18
  • 3Berduxa04:28
  • 4Rain Take04:16
  • 5Todo Nada02:42
  • 6Weddinger Walzer03:17
  • 7In the Making02:26
  • 8Further in the Making01:48
  • 9All Numbers End01:35
  • 10The Idea Machine02:21
  • 11Then Patterns03:31
  • 12Corn04:04
  • 13New Friend03:22
  • 14Nils Has a New Piano04:05
  • 15Acting03:16
  • 16As a Reminder04:19
  • 17Iced Wood03:08
  • 18Strickleiter04:04
  • 19The Chords03:22
  • 20The Chords Broken Down03:52
  • 21Forgetmenot03:22
  • 22Restive04:07
  • 23Old Friend04:38
  • Total Runtime01:19:10

Info zu Old Friends New Friends

Der international gefeierte Komponist und Produzent Nils Frahm veröffentlicht mit Old Friends New Friends ein neues Doppelalbum, welches auf seinem vor kurzem gegründeten Label LEITER erscheint. Die 23 Klavier-Stücke des Albums wurden zwischen 2009 und 2021 aufgenommen, jedoch bisher aus verschiedenen Gründen noch nicht veröffentlicht. Weder ein völlig neues Werk noch eine einfache Compilation bestehender Stücke, spiegelt es laut Frahm "eine Anatomie all meiner Arten und Weisen, Musik zu denken und zu spielen" wider. Dabei fügt er augenzwinkernd hinzu: "Vielleicht könnte man sagen, dass es ein Album ist, an dem ich über zwölf Jahre gearbeitet habe und nun endlich genügend Material hatte, um es zu veröffentlichen?".

"Die Pandemie hat nicht nur Nils‘ Ordnungszwang befeuert. Bei dem Pianisten hat sich auch die Einstellung zum Kulturbetrieb verändert. Eine Künstlerkarriere würde er nicht mehr ohne Nachdenken empfehlen und er hat auch gemerkt, dass das Interesse für Kultur schwindet. Grund genug für ihn, weiterzumachen und noch bessere Musik zu schreiben. Denn ohne - das geht einfach nicht." (Svenja Wieser, BR Klassik)

Nils Frahm, Klavier

Nils Frahm
was born in 1982 and from a very young age, he really enjoyed piano lessons, amongst others those given by Nahum Brodski, one of Tchaikowsky ́s last pupils. In his early days he also discovered Keith Jarrett ́s epochal improvisational music and the boundary-pushing musical worlds of the exceptional label ECM. Classical and jazz music have since become equal sources of inspiration for the pianist, alongside minimalist music and pop.

Nils Frahm had an early introduction to music. During his childhood he was taught to play piano. It was through this that Nils began to immerse himself in the styles of the classical pianists before him as well as contemporary composers.

Today Nils Frahm works as an accomplished composer and producer from his Berlin-based Durton Studio. His unconventional approach to an age-old instrument, played contemplatively and intimately, has won him many fans around the world. For a musician this early in his career, Frahm displays an incredibly developed sense of control and restraint in his work, catching the ear of many fans.

As the recognition continues to grow for his previous solo piano works 'Wintermusik' (2009) and ‘The Bells’ (2009), 2011 saw the release of his critically acclaimed record 'Felt' on Erased Tapes Records. The album was followed by the solo synthesiser EP 'Juno' and 'Screws' (2012) – a birthday gift to his fans he recorded while recovering from a thumb injury. Nils released his follow up to Juno titled 'Juno Reworked' (2013) with guest reworks by Luke Abbott and Clark.

Nils returned with his new album 'Spaces' in 2013, expressing his love for experimentation and answering the call from his fans for a record that truly reflects what they have witnessed during his concerts.

In 2013 Nils Frahm released his first music book, entitled 'Sheets Eins'. Nils is currently on his worldwide 'Spaces Tour 2014'.

Dieses Album enthält kein Booklet

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