I Knowthis Place - The Eivind Aarset Collages Tortusa

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Jazzland Recordings

Genre: Electronic

Subgenre: Ambient

Interpret: Tortusa

Komponist: John Derek Bishop (1985)

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  • 1I Know This Place04:51
  • 2This Again03:50
  • 3Selective Hindsight04:59
  • 4Maybe You Still Do05:54
  • 5There S so Much Static03:08
  • 6It S All Downhill from Here04:17
  • 7I Hear Myself in the Silence04:23
  • 8Take It from Here04:24
  • Total Runtime35:46

Info zu I Knowthis Place - The Eivind Aarset Collages

Utilizing samples from Eivind Aarset´s catalogue on Jazzland Recordings, Tortusa creates a new set of compositions and soundscapes, melodic, wistful, dreamlike, meditative, unsettling, evocative, stirring, contemplative and personal. For the compositional process, Bishop employed both hardware equipment and software including retro tape recorders, modular synthesisers, samplers and a diverse array of other tools. The result is a sound that can be crystalline and grainy, razor-edged and misty, endlessly fascinating and expanding.

The album is inspired by the atmospheres of Norwegian nature, and the inspiration is directly incorporated – Tortusa composed the album in a cabin near Egersund and his field recordings from the surrounding forests and coastline are an integral part of the record's soundscape. The album is a journey through nature.

Eivind Aarset has been one of Tortusa's main influences in developing a unique sound and in musical composition. For him it is a dream come true to make this record utilizing the sounds he has been inspired by, in addition to receiving creative input on the project from Aarset.

Tortusa is a Norwegian-American electronic musician and composer from Stavanger, Norway. He draws inspiration from classical and jazz music, as well as contemporary electronic music. His compositional method is similar to that of visual collage artists. A cornerstone in Tortusa's production is the texture and timbre of sound. He searches for sounds that are out of the ordinary and play games with the ear.

His music is evocative and places the listener in different emotional states. He seeks out meditative states when composing, seeking a deep connection with the vibration of sound and experience of composing itself. He is deeply inspired by organic sounds and rhythms, and he fuses and transforms these with both digital and analogue manipulation and sound design.

He has previously created collage compositions of Bodhild Vossgård of The Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, indie rock artist Sebastian Waldejer, jazz trio Moskus, The Paper Pilots, Violet Dream, and more.

He frequently performs live, and he has played at the electronic music festival NuMusic in Stavanger. For several years, Bishop has been composing and performing for modern dance and performance art shows in Norway, England and France. He has made music for short films «Limerence», «Hyperspace» and «Across the dreams».

Bishop is inspired by artists such as Brian Eno, Biosphere, (the source, he says, of his ambient atmospheres and slow movement), Oneotrix Point Never, Jamie XX, Xploding Plastix, Boards of Canada, Nils Petter Molvær, Aphex Twin, Flying Lotus, and Jon Hopkins.

Aside from making music Bishop works with photography. His photos are of nature, transformed via digital editing to become something other and unique. This is similar to his method of making music where organic sound sources are treated by electronic equipment. The photos for the cover and the booklet are taken, and edited, by Bishop.

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