Carnival Eric Plutz

Cover Carnival

Album info



Label: Pro Organo

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Chamber Music

Artist: Eric Plutz

Composer: Michail Glinka (1804-1857), Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904), Jules Massenet (1842-1912), Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978), Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884), Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)

Album including Album cover Booklet (PDF)


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FLAC 96 $ 14.50
  • Mikhail Glinka (1804 - 1857): Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila:
  • 1Glinka: Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila06:17
  • Richard Wagner (1813 - 1886): Tannhäuser:
  • 2Wagner: Tannhäuser: Pilgrim Chorus06:13
  • Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Carnival Overture, Opus 92:
  • 3Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Opus 9211:59
  • Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912): Thaïs:
  • 4Massenet: Thaïs: Meditation05:38
  • Aram Khachaturian (1903 - 1978): Gayene:
  • 5Khachaturian: Gayene: Sabre Dance02:45
  • Pietro Mascagni (1863 - 1945): Cavalleria Rusticana:
  • 6Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo03:26
  • Bedřich Smetana (1824 - 1884): The Bartered Bride:
  • 7Smetana: The Bartered Bride: Dance of the Comedians06:53
  • Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 - 1921): Carnival of the Animals:
  • 8Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: I. Introduction, Royal March of the Lions02:21
  • 9Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: II. Hens and Roosters00:54
  • 10Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: III. Wild Asses00:50
  • 11Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: IV. Tortoises02:54
  • 12Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: V. The Elephant01:34
  • 13Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: VI. Kangaroos01:05
  • 14Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: VII: Aquarium02:44
  • 15Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: VIII. Personages with Long Ears00:56
  • 16Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: IX. The Cuckoo in Deep Woods03:10
  • 17Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: X. Aviary01:29
  • 18Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: XI. Pianists01:30
  • 19Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: XII. Fossils01:33
  • 20Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: XIII. The Swan03:13
  • 21Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals: XIV. Finale02:15
  • Total Runtime01:09:39

Info for Carnival

Princeton University Organist Eric Plutz plays symphonic transcriptions on the Princeton Chapel Aeolian-Skinner/Mander organ. Plutz is joined by Professor John V. Fleming, who reads poetry of Ogden Nash to accompany Saint-Saëns Carnival of the Animals. Great fun all around! GLINKA: Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila WAGNER: Pilgrim Chorus from Tannhäuser DVORÁK: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 MASSENET: Meditation from Thaïs KHACHATURIAN: Sabre Dance from Gayane/I> MASCAGNI: Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana SMETANA: Dance of the Comedians from The Bartered Bride SAINT-SAËNS: The Carnival of the Animals

Eric Plutz, plays the Aeolian-Skinner/Mander organ of Princeton University Chapel

Eric Plutz
is University Organist at Princeton University, where he plays for weekly Chapel services, University services and ­concerts, and where he accompanies the Chapel Choir. Mr. Plutz plans the weekly After Noon Concert Series at the University Chapel. He is also rehearsal ­accompanist for the Westminster Symphonic Choir at Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, New Jersey.

Mr. Plutz was organist and director of music at Church of the Epiphany in Washington, D.C., from 1995 through 2004. During that time, he was also organist at Temple Sinai in Washington, taught organ at the Selma M. Levine School of Music, and was ­keyboard artist of the Cathedral Choral Society.

As an accompanist, Mr. Plutz has served numerous ensembles, ­including the Washington Bach Consort, the National Symphony Orchestra, the Choral Arts Society of Washington, the American Repertory Singers, the Washington Symphonic Brass, and the Washington Ballet. Tim Page of The Washington Post has described Mr. Plutz as a “spirited and virtuosic organist.” As an organ concert soloist, Eric Plutz has ­played ­­engagements in distinguished locations across the United States and abroad.

He was a featured artist at the 2007 Regional Convention of The American Guild of Organists, and was a featured performer for the 2007 American Handel Society conference.

Mr. Plutz earned a Bachelor of Music degree, magna cum laude, from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in 1989 and a Master of Music degree from the Eastman School of Music in 1991. He recently ­concluded a sabbatical in Rochester, New York, with David Higgs, chair of Eastman‘s organ department, and in Paris, France, with Marie-Louise Langlais, researching the major organ works of César Franck. Mr. Plutz is ­active in the American Guild of Organists and in the Association of Anglican Musicians. He was assistant organist at St. John‘s Episcopal Cathedral in Denver, Colorado, from 1991 to 1995, and is originally from Rock Island, Illinois.

Booklet for Carnival

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