Biography Ensemble Tarentule

Ensemble Tarentule

Ensemble Tarentule
Founded in 2012 by Cecil Gallois and Xavier de Lignerolles, the Tarentule Ensemble is composed of twelve singers. The Tarentule Ensemble researches and aims at popularizing the performance of a cappella polyphonic music. An exploration of the late 16th century madrigal extends to and is enriched by the creation of a contemporary repertoire, working hand in hand with composers of today.

The Ensemble's musicality stems from voices whose timbres complement one another and singers who have been working together since the very creation of the Ensemble in order to reach perfect harmony and a unique sound – like a string quartet would. Thus, it has achieved perfect coherence and fluidity, finesse and balance.

Since 2014, the ensemble has reached the semi-finals at the International Van Wassenaer Competition in Utrecht, has been in residence at the Cité de la Voix in Vézelay, the Namur Music Festival (Belgium), and the festival ‘‘Les Musicales’’ at the Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez Charterhouse (Loire, France).

In 2016, it performed Barca di Venetia per Padova, a madrigalesque comedy by Adriano Banchieri, at the Grand Théâtre in Calais as well as in Buis-les-Baronnies (Drôme, France), with Alexandra Lacroix as stage director. And two years later at the Théâtre du Garde-Chasse – Les Lilas (Paris).

The Tarentule Ensemble recorded the musical score, composed by Stéphane Orlando, of “Silence and Eternity: the Trappistines of Chimay”, a documentary about the Trappist nuns of the Notre-Dame de la Paix Abbey in Chimay (Belgium). This draws the attention of several contemporary composers who have since written a cappella works specifically for the Ensemble.

In october 2018, the Ensemble recorded “Absence”, a piece by Bruno Letort, as part of a record (“Cartography of Senses”) of chamber music by the composer (Musicube Label).

Projects since 2018 and for the next season are numerous. Concerts in Lyon: in the Musée des Confluences, at the Ainay Abbey (for the world premiere of “S’un casto Amor” by Gérard Zinsstag – a work commissioned by the French government, RICORDI editions), in the Musée des Beaux-Arts..., in the National Museum of the Renaissance at Ecouen; Festivals : Jean de la Fontaine, Musiques à la Baule, Déodat de Séverac, Musiques en Albret, Automne Musical de Taverny, Les Musicales de Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez, EmbarOquement immédiat, les Nuits Musicales en Armagnac, Opéra des Landes, les Voûtes Célestes en Vendée.... and a two years-long residence at the Labeaume en Musiques Festival with two wonderful pieces: “Lagrime di San Pietro” by Roland de Lassus and “Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday” by Carlo Gesualdo.

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